Wednesday, April 15, 2009

To Tweet or Not to Tweet?

Twitter, one of the latest independent media trends that has made many people embrace micro-blogging, apparently makes you devoid of morals. At least, that’s what a study from USC claims. According to the study, speed-tweeting leaves no time for compassion. (Whether or not Tweeting at a slower pace still leaves you with the ability to be warm and fuzzy is yet to be determined).

And Twitter is not the only new technology that has come under fire. A survey by Ohio doctoral students maintains that Facebook users get inferior grades in school. (This could be due associated conditions such as Facebook stalking, which can be lead to debilitating symptoms including obsessive-compulsive checking of Faceboook updates, sleeplessness and an undeniable urge to ‘like’ everyone’s status).

I don’t think that these websites will suffer greatly from the results of these studies. But at least now immoral, unintelligent social networkers have an excuse.

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