Sunday, September 7, 2008

THE STATE OF THE NEWS MEDIA- Project for Excellence in Journalism


THE STATE OF THE NEWS MEDIA- Project for Excellence in Journalism

The report by the Project for Excellence in Journalism on ‘The State of the News Media’ demonstrated that issues that were of lesser news value (i.e. slowly evolving ‘bread and butter’ topics of relevance to our day-to-day lives rather than dramatic ‘breaking news stories) were covered to a much lesser extent than one would have expected the pubic agenda to demand. Although it is disappointing that such ‘percolating’ stories were not given as much attention as their attention-grabbing, one-time-only counterparts (i.e. such as natural disasters), I believe that the wide range of media that is available and the many levels therein (i.e. local, national, etc) would enable the public to gain information on any topic which they so choose, should they want to devote the time to doing so. Although not all information, important as it is to our daily existence, is not directly at our fingertips, the fact remains that inadequate resources, time and space restraints and public disinterest largely influence what news will be covered and by whom, and such important yet banal news cannot always be covered by the mainstream media. The Project reflected the reality of the news media, which we as the public, whilst we may not appreciate it, must be forced to accept. However, the vast amount of local, national and international news sources, blogs, niche publications, Internet sources and alternative media make finding information increasingly possible, even if such information does not spark the interest of all or any American news sources.

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